Donna Armanasco
In loving memory of Donna (1960-2019)
I am very sad to announce the passing of Donna Armanasco on Monday the 13th of May 2019 in Albany, South Western Australia. She is very sadly missed by her beloved Steve, her family and all the Metamorphosis community. Donna was a lovely inspirational person who was a joy to be around. As a young woman she travelled to England from Australia to study with Robert St John as a private student, such was her passion for the philosophy and practise of Metamorphosis. She went on to travel around Europe with Robert teaching Metamorphosis and it was on one of their trips to Ireland in the early 1990’s that I was fortunate to meet her and become her friend. With Donna’s Afference, her creative mind and in depth understanding of Metamorphosis Robert passed on the copyright of his work to her in 1996 when he passed.
I organised seminars for her here in Dublin from 1997 to 2005 and was delighted to host her in our home here in Killiney many times and enjoyed her delicious vegetarian dinners and late night Meta chats. She was a fun loving person who was willing to try anything and one Sunday afternoon Peter encouraged her to play golf with us and she almost got a hole in one on her first attempt - an inspiration both on and off the course!. Donna has been a tremendous support and inspiration to me and my family over the years for which we all have much appreciation and love.
She had a special interest in Metamorphosis and animals and thought many animal owners and vets the practise. I recall her saying - “Because they are more simple in their thought structure they respond more readily to Metamorphosis”.
Donna introduced the Creation Hand Symbol 2 on the year that Robert St John died in 1996 and continued to teach and practise Metamorphosis in Australia and abroad until the gradual decline of her health some time ago. She published The Blue Book in 2006 which was a collection of Notes & Observations by Robert St John.
I am pleased that Peter and I visited her in Albany in February 2018 and had the pleasure of meeting Steve and her little dog Happy. We have fond memories of Donna in her peaceful, sunny surroundings and I have insightful memories of our daily communication in the months leading up to her passing.
Donna has left us in the physical sense (Efference) but her radiant Afference will illuminate forever.
In loving memory,