The Sinuses Treatment
Sphenoidal Sinus
Pay attention with perception in treatment by placing your finger on or over the sphenoidal sinus which can be accessed in the middle of the forehead. This single sinus is a receiver of abstract consciousness from the Pineal and Pituitary. It communicates this primary inspiration of pure inner knowledge to all the other sinuses and all the sinuses communicate with the sphenoidal.
Frontal Sinuses
Pay attention with perception to the frontal sinuses above the eyebrows which function at a mental level and have an association with the sense of sight. This is an Afferent communication of thought between two people (thought communication).
Ethmoidal Sinuses
Pay attention in treatment to the Ethmoidal sinuses on either side of the bridge of the nose between the eyes. They function at a chemical level or a physical state of consciousness of the air breathed in. They are associated with the sense of smell. The function of the ethmoidal sinuses is an Afferent interpretation of the world around us.
Antrums/ Maxillary Sinuses
Pay attention with perception in treatment to either side of the nose with the two middle fingers on or over the Antrums or maxillary sinuses. They receive the Afferent awareness and blend it with the Efferent data mindedness, an Efferent function associated with inner knowledge illuminated by consciousness.
Mastoid Sinuses
Pay attention in treatment to the mastoid sinuses behind the ears which take the processed data and use it for the action of creation, an outer manifestation of the thought function. They are associated with the sense of hearing. When the sinuses are free of blocks the mastoid or Creation level is an outgoing energy full of life and creative thought.
Audio Excerpt : the following is a short excerpt from a Dublin seminar presented by Margaret Boland in February 2019.