Divorce / Love
/Just before Christmas I came into contact with a woman I first met in my practice prior to Christmas 1999, who was then at a low ebb as her husband had left her a couple of weeks earlier. She was so tense she could hardly speak and was worried about her future. She loved her husband but was uneasy with communication. He was outgoing (Efferent pattern) and she was shy and reserved (Afferent pattern) and there was a communication block. The more retreative she became, the more frustrated he became. His frustration with her created more retreat and stress in her, then he moved out.
A neighbour who was overcoming her own difficulties with her practise of Meta, recommended her to give Meta a go. She arrived for her first Meta treatment prior to Christmas’99 and was very lonely and depressed, sad with the idea of a future alone, as she did not have children. I treated her and introduced the Hand Symbols, which I recommended her to practise often. When the women returned for her appointment after Christmas, she seemed more relaxed and talkative saying “ I wish I’d had Meta prior to my husband going”. She was now beginning to live in the ‘moment’ with plans to move house and get on with her life. She was practising Meta very creatively in moments of sadness throughout her day and I thought her to treat herself. She continued to come for treatments once a week for support and became interested in the philosophy, which we discussed at each session. Her positive mental attitude and ability to get going was now replacing her reserved attitude, she was getting on better with her family and colleagues at her work.
Then her husband made contact with her at the end of January 2000, two months after she commenced Meta, to take her out for her birthday. She was feeling relaxed and was keen to go. They discussed their divorce and the sale of their house without confrontation. Her husband was surprised with the change in her and asked for another ‘date’. The date led to a holiday after which the woman’s husband returned. He was aware of her balance and observed her practising the Hand Symbols and she encouraged him to practise the symbols also. She attended my seminars in 2000 and as she grew in confidence with the practice, she began to treat her husband. They have since moved to a new house together and it was a joy to meet her prior to Christmas and observe how calm and creative she has become.
The couple loved each other, but the imbalance of their Afference and Efference had separated them. The balance she created with her everyday practise of Meta activated a positive response in him. Then when both take responsibility, the potential for a loving relationship can be created and maintained.
The happy relaxed woman I met before Christmas 2013 was a great contrast to the sad depressed woman I first met before Christmas 1999.
In my experience in Meta practice, if the motivation for the couple to marry is love and their imbalance of Afference and Efference is separating them, then Meta can bring them together and enrich their lives. However, if the motivation for marriage is anything other then love, then Meta can prompt an honest separation with much relief for the couple involved. Divorce is stressful for children and I encourage the parents to practice Meta with their children.